Trading Stocks Online For Beginners

October 11th, 2011 by admin Leave a reply »

When you first begin trading stocks online you must open an account with an online discount broker. In the past we’ve mentioned some brokers and shortly we will have a large list of the good and bad of brokers but for now, find a solid broker with a good reputation if you wish to trade penny stocks, ensure that this broker will allow penny stock trading.

That’s it.

Without a broker you can not trade. Now that you have a broker what are your trading plans. Here are 10 of our ideas (there are many more if you search):
4 Things to Look for When Buying a Stock
Various Day Trading Strategies
20 Huge Investment Mistakes
Buying Penny Stocks
Buying Stocks on Dips
Swing Trading Strategies
Arbitrage Trading
Buying Penny Stocks on The Bottom
Buying Stocks on Margin
Buying Gold Vs. Buying Silver

Hope these articles help you turn a profit in the trading world.

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  1. ephi says:

    hi,..I consider myself a scalper mostly the YM,..but you have a very interesting post here,..I have book marked your site for future reference,..thanks……….

  2. sam clark says:

    Trading stocks is really hard
    Thanks to you for your work
    And this is a helpful article

  3. mike says:

    Thank you this post clarified some things for me. Can someone please look at the FRCN chart and news etc and help me make a better evaluation if this is a company that is going to pop soon or no? Looks to be promising with positive news but I’m pretty new to these penny stocks. Sentiments for FRCN please???

  4. admin says:

    FRCN: hasn’t been trading long. Not a lot of volume, that means you may have to buy at the ask .13 and sell at the bid .07 or so. The fact that its not a fluidly traded stock means your stuck in it if things change or you have to take a hard loss. There’s 80+million shares outstanding. This is from the 10k in september “we anticipate generating losses for the next 12 months. Therefore, we may be unable to continue operations in the future as a going concern”. If you enter this type of stock you should try and buy at the bid or just above it. That way if you pick it up for .07 or .08 you are a bit safer and if you were lucky enough to sell at the ask you’d make 50% off the top

    That being said the news tells of recent high quarterly growth. The company looks like it was formed or began trading on august 15th. This recent start up makes it hard to analyze the chart.

    Wish I had more to go on which is an issue with these newer companies.